Army Men RTS Mods

Army Men RTS is a game from 2002, but also offers a great gaming experience, especially when using the mods.

There are a number of multiplayer maps on the internet. There are also mods for offline multiplayer play.

Just upload the downloaded maps to the directory: "Army Men RTS\missions\mp"

Ordinary maps with strong bots

Bots are strong because they have almost unlimited resources.

Cheeseburger Hill

Description: You and your friend have a normal amount of resources, while the enemy bots have 30k plastic and electricity.
(The positions for human player are marked in the figure)
Number of players: 1-2
Number of bots: 4-5


Description: You and your friend have a normal amount of resources, while the enemy bots have 100k plastic and electricity.
(The positions for human player are marked in the figure)
Number of players: 1-2
Number of bots: 6-7

More modified maps

8 train together

Description: You and your friend are in a shared base and you face bots who have unlimited resources.
(The positions for human player are marked in the figure)
Number of players: 1-2
Number of bots: 6

Death Valley

Description: You and your buddy are conquering a well-fortified bot with added units (including helicopters or elite units). The map is based on Doubles.
(The positions for human player are marked in the figure)
Number of players: 1-2
Number of bots: 6-7

Tips for mods

Mod for Offline play with computer players

Description: A very useful mode that allows you to play without human buddies. The download link is below including a tutorial on how to install the mod.

No population limit

Description: A very useful mod that disables the unit limit. You can make as many units as you want.

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